The budget friendly option for the best cloud storage and email.
- 1 Most Amazing address
- Fully Integrated Calendar, Contacts, Notes and Task Lists
- 1 Gigabyte of File & Photo Storage
- A Privacy Policy that will Protect You and Your Data
- Not Big Tech. Not Average Tech
$12.85 / 1 Month
Try it for 30 days on us. No obligation.
A popular option that balances your need for storage with a low cost.
- Zero Trust File/Photo Encryption
- End-to-End Encrypted Email
- Everything in the Free Plan
- 5 Gigabytes of File and Photo Storage
- 5 Email addresses with any of our domain names (at least 1
$23.85 / 1 Month
30 day free trial. But, you will know in 30 minutes that this is for you.
- Zero Trust Encryption
- End-to-End Encrypted Email
- 100 Gigabytes of File and Photo Storage
- Plus additional storage available
- Use up to 50 email addresses with any of our domain names (at least 1
- Unlimited email address using your custom
- Office:
- Word processing;
- Spreadsheets;
- Presentations;
- Drawing;
- MS Office compatible.
- Talk:
- Chat;
- File Collaboration;
- Audio Calling;
- Video Calling;
- Multi-Party Video Meetings or Webinars
- Complete Collaboration and File Sharing Capabilities
- Team Creation and Managing